Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Carbon Pricing

First of all it is not pricing people, it is a new tax. You have to like how politicians change around a few words to make things sound a bit better to the public. Well we are not all fooled. This latest stunt is just another tax grab, not a true concern about the environment.

The Ontario Liberals have signed into place a cap and trade rule for Ontario's industries. The basics are that each company buys some permits to allow for a set amount of pollution to be produced each month or year. Should they pollute so much that they use up their credits, they can trade for some credits from another company who has not required all their permits. This would allow the first company to continue to pollute with its new credit.

So at first look we say great, the polluters have to buy permits which the funds collected go into green projects to help the environment. Sounds good? Well not so fast. With these new "permits" (taxes) who do you think the companies will pass the added costs onto? That's right, the consumer. They will build this tax into the final pricing of goods they sell to us. So the end result is the cost of living goes up once again.

The government estimates it will raise additional revenue of 2.5 Billion dollars. Now if this actually went to public transit, clean energy or other green initiatives, that would be great. But we all (should) know that they will put it into general revenue and therefore fund what ever they currently want done.

Let's not be fooled again by this government, and start to speak out against this new tax now before you see the price of gas and other goods increase to further empty your wallet.

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