Monday, March 23, 2015

The Muslim threat?

Recent events both in the middle east and here at home would have one immediately shouting a call to arms against the growing Muslim threat against our country.

In Iraq we have seen the beheading of Christians and other groups of innocents who do not agree with ISIS and their view of Sharia law. Anyone who stands in their way of creating a new Islamic state are quickly dealt with, often in the form of death.

More disturbing have been the attacks here at home on our own soil and the few that thankfully police and CSIS have stopped. Seeing a soldier standing guard being shot and then our sacred Parliament buildings being violated brings any Canadians blood to boil.

But lets reflect on all of this for a moment.

First off it is a breakaway group who have radicalized the Muslim faith, that are producing and inciting these attacks. These thugs are even killing fellow Muslims who follow peace and not their version of Islam. In their perverted beliefs they think it is the end of time, and they must create a Muslim state of pure believers (their version of the Quran) that will survive the ultimate end game of Armageddon.

Over reaction is something else we must be careful not to do. Just look at the Federal Governments attempt to vilify the Muslim faith by trying to ban the Niqab. One can argue if women do actually wear these face veils voluntarily or if men force them to do so. But it certainly is not our governments place to pass laws on women's clothing.

So lets be careful not to paint all Muslims with the same brush. Most are peace loving and god fearing people. They must work to fix their disenchanted youth, which are the ones becoming radicalized and heading off to make trouble.

 In this I am confident our police and other agencies through good intelligence will continue to protect us from those few who see glory in hurting others.

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