Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Orange Wave

After 40 years of Conservative party rule in the province of Alberta, they swung far left in the latest provincial election and installed a NDP government.

People are starting to call it the orange wave as recently the federal New Democrats have risen in the polls from third place to a virtual tie for first.

This has left the ruling Conservatives stunned, as they have been putting all their money into advertising against the Liberals as we near our next Federal election. But the Liberals are polling dead last, maybe in thanks to the Conservative attack ads. But the benefactor has clearly been Tomas Mulcair and his NDP.

Jumping on this has been Mulcair who has been actively getting out and campaigning with the masses while the other parties are still putting together their agendas. This bodes well for the orange wave, which some hope come election day will be the orange crush.

Driving some of this is the recent passing of bill C-51, the so called "anti-terrorist" bill. It actually gives the government far reaching powers and takes away our rights and freedoms under our Charter of Rights.

Such things as the right to assemble and protest are now illegal. An environmentalist who climbs a building and puts up a banner is now a terrorist. Such "terrorists" don't have to be processed with due process as our laws dictate.

The NDP have declared they will repeal this bill if elected. As the official opposition in Parliament they have argued against the government vigorously on this issue. As freedom loving Canadians become slowly aware of what the Conservatives have done, they are moving to the support of the NDP, who have also taken a stand on abolishing the Senate.

So the summer and early fall should prove to be interesting on the political front, as the Conservatives will be trying to promise the sky in order to hold onto power, the Liberals struggle to find out where they stand and that orange wave comes crashing down and rolls ashore come election day.

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