Wednesday, December 02, 2015

The Taxpayers Nanny

So our new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has hired two new Nanny's to care for his three children. Not a surprise given his new responsibilities, but the fact he is billing the taxpayer for these services is concerning.

Remember back to the election run, when Justin said the rich should not get child tax credits? In fact he said he would personally donate his tax credit cheque to charity. So what has happened since then? Now he wants Canadians to pay for his child care.

In principle I am not really against our Prime Minister getting free day care, but he did campaign on helping the middle class and making the rich (those making over $200,000) pay their own way. Mr. Trudeau was rich before he was elected, and once again promised to lead by example by refusing government money to help raise his kids. Suddenly he now lives in government paid for housing and that doesn't seem to be enough. Now he is all for the taxpayer picking up the tab for his kids Nannies.

The average Canadian can only dream of having the services of a Nanny, but settles instead for a monthly cheque to help pay for their children's food and clothing. A much needed credit given the cost to raise a child in our country these days.

So if Justin can't even deliver on such a simple campaign promise after just weeks of being elected, what surely can we expect from him over the next 4 years in regards to his pledge to help the middle class Canadian.

We're watching Prime Minister!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Child Care Benefit another Harper lie

So all the taxpayers (with kids) just thought they got a little more richer.

The Federal Government announced with great fanfare the new increased dollar amount for the Universal Child Care Benefit. Increasing the amount to $2,000 annually for each kid under age six and $720 annually for each kid ages 6-17.

Now this sounds great doesn't it? Free money from the Feds to put into your wallet to help ends meet. Well by the TV ads this is exactly what Harpers Conservatives want you to believe. After all, it is an election year.

Well now the hard truth. The part the government is not formally telling you.

This money is taxable. That's right. They give and then they take back. But the trick is they don't tax you up front when they give you the money. It will come as a T-4 slip for you to declare on your taxes next year come February. For some this could push you higher into the next tax bracket which means you will get taxed at a higher rate.

So they give in July, you vote them back in come October and then come February its, oh, you owe us tax on that!

Even worse is another little fact the government is not openly telling you. Come income tax time you will no longer get the Child Tax Credit. It is being eliminated. For the average Canadian family with young kids this will be a loss of $30 per child on your return. BAM! They got you again!

Word of advice. The best way to help offset this scam is don't spend the money. Put it into a Tax Free Savings Account or add it to a Education Fund where it is also tax sheltered. In the long run this will offset the tax hits.

More advice. Don't be fooled into voting Conservative come October. You will just be asking for more lies from Mr. Harper and his Reform Fascists.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Orange Wave

After 40 years of Conservative party rule in the province of Alberta, they swung far left in the latest provincial election and installed a NDP government.

People are starting to call it the orange wave as recently the federal New Democrats have risen in the polls from third place to a virtual tie for first.

This has left the ruling Conservatives stunned, as they have been putting all their money into advertising against the Liberals as we near our next Federal election. But the Liberals are polling dead last, maybe in thanks to the Conservative attack ads. But the benefactor has clearly been Tomas Mulcair and his NDP.

Jumping on this has been Mulcair who has been actively getting out and campaigning with the masses while the other parties are still putting together their agendas. This bodes well for the orange wave, which some hope come election day will be the orange crush.

Driving some of this is the recent passing of bill C-51, the so called "anti-terrorist" bill. It actually gives the government far reaching powers and takes away our rights and freedoms under our Charter of Rights.

Such things as the right to assemble and protest are now illegal. An environmentalist who climbs a building and puts up a banner is now a terrorist. Such "terrorists" don't have to be processed with due process as our laws dictate.

The NDP have declared they will repeal this bill if elected. As the official opposition in Parliament they have argued against the government vigorously on this issue. As freedom loving Canadians become slowly aware of what the Conservatives have done, they are moving to the support of the NDP, who have also taken a stand on abolishing the Senate.

So the summer and early fall should prove to be interesting on the political front, as the Conservatives will be trying to promise the sky in order to hold onto power, the Liberals struggle to find out where they stand and that orange wave comes crashing down and rolls ashore come election day.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Carbon Pricing

First of all it is not pricing people, it is a new tax. You have to like how politicians change around a few words to make things sound a bit better to the public. Well we are not all fooled. This latest stunt is just another tax grab, not a true concern about the environment.

The Ontario Liberals have signed into place a cap and trade rule for Ontario's industries. The basics are that each company buys some permits to allow for a set amount of pollution to be produced each month or year. Should they pollute so much that they use up their credits, they can trade for some credits from another company who has not required all their permits. This would allow the first company to continue to pollute with its new credit.

So at first look we say great, the polluters have to buy permits which the funds collected go into green projects to help the environment. Sounds good? Well not so fast. With these new "permits" (taxes) who do you think the companies will pass the added costs onto? That's right, the consumer. They will build this tax into the final pricing of goods they sell to us. So the end result is the cost of living goes up once again.

The government estimates it will raise additional revenue of 2.5 Billion dollars. Now if this actually went to public transit, clean energy or other green initiatives, that would be great. But we all (should) know that they will put it into general revenue and therefore fund what ever they currently want done.

Let's not be fooled again by this government, and start to speak out against this new tax now before you see the price of gas and other goods increase to further empty your wallet.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Muslim threat?

Recent events both in the middle east and here at home would have one immediately shouting a call to arms against the growing Muslim threat against our country.

In Iraq we have seen the beheading of Christians and other groups of innocents who do not agree with ISIS and their view of Sharia law. Anyone who stands in their way of creating a new Islamic state are quickly dealt with, often in the form of death.

More disturbing have been the attacks here at home on our own soil and the few that thankfully police and CSIS have stopped. Seeing a soldier standing guard being shot and then our sacred Parliament buildings being violated brings any Canadians blood to boil.

But lets reflect on all of this for a moment.

First off it is a breakaway group who have radicalized the Muslim faith, that are producing and inciting these attacks. These thugs are even killing fellow Muslims who follow peace and not their version of Islam. In their perverted beliefs they think it is the end of time, and they must create a Muslim state of pure believers (their version of the Quran) that will survive the ultimate end game of Armageddon.

Over reaction is something else we must be careful not to do. Just look at the Federal Governments attempt to vilify the Muslim faith by trying to ban the Niqab. One can argue if women do actually wear these face veils voluntarily or if men force them to do so. But it certainly is not our governments place to pass laws on women's clothing.

So lets be careful not to paint all Muslims with the same brush. Most are peace loving and god fearing people. They must work to fix their disenchanted youth, which are the ones becoming radicalized and heading off to make trouble.

 In this I am confident our police and other agencies through good intelligence will continue to protect us from those few who see glory in hurting others.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Self Employment Part two

In my last segment I concentrated on getting people interested in coding. Well I think I will continue in that direction with some more information.

First though I will revisit the other opportunities that exist for those of use wishing to look at self employment as a means of financial income and independence.

Taking a hobby or interests and turning it into a profitable business is always a great choice. After all you will like what your doing and look forward to getting up every morning.

Some people have taken baking and cooking likes and turned them into self employment opportunities. Have a great cupcake recipe? Turn it into a online business. Sell and ship from your home your fresh baked goods. Or you could rent a spot every Sunday at the local flea market.

Do you have a trade? Tired of working for someone else? Well turn your experience into a private business where you both boss and employee. Once again all you need to do is set yourself up online and wait for the emails or phone calls to come.

Notice how in both my examples I suggest for the self employment opportunity to set themselves up online. This is where the other growing opportunity presents itself. Every successful entrepreneur needs a good website to market their business and give people a way to reach them.

So learning to code can put you in the position to create these websites for other people from the comfort of your home, and the financial rewards can be great. The first step is to find an easy and fun way to learn. I still suggest the first step should be going to Codecademy where you can learn HTML and CSS the two main languages for making websites.

Codecademy has easy step by step learning modules that will show you your work as you proceed and take the time to explain what you are doing and why. This is also a helpful forum should you get stuck on a lesson and need feedback from your peers.

The site also has a small website building environment which is free to use and is great for testing out what you have learned and start to build you very own website.

Once you are comfortable with everything within the Codecademy site, you will want to venture out on your own and use an editor to create your own full multipage sites. Some of these are free and others cost a monthly fee. The best free editor I have found and still use today is Notepad ++ 
It has great features including many ad ons which help make your coding easier and faster. I highly recommend it.

With this editor you can create websites for fun and profit. So get coding today and find your new way to self employment from the comfort of your home computer!