Sunday, April 09, 2017

Kathleen Wynne and the electrical nightmare

So the Premier of Ontario in here great wisdom, signed power contracts paying energy firms some 80 cents per Kilowatt when it only costs them 3 cents a Kilowatt to make. She then in an even crazier move, signed this deals for 25 years. (recently extended them to 30 years now)

Who in the private sector would keep their job for making this kind of deal? I know I would be fired the next day if my boss saw a negotiation of this kind performed by me. I imagine the same would happen to you too!

So in 2018 will you have the intelligence to vote no to Wynne and her Liberals? 3 years ago you didn't and you even gave her a majority government. I still can't believe Ontario did that given that Wynne was part of a very corrupt cabinet within the McGuinty Liberal Government. Has the people of Ontario learnt their lesson? I hope so. Because we cannot afford 4 more years of this. In fact, the Liberal have now been in power for 14 years in Ontario, and look where we are at. People have to decide between food or electricity. Shame!

Well just a shot rant today instead of a full blog. Stay tuned!

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