Saturday, January 28, 2017

Trudeau must stand up to Trump

This flag of ours represents so many things. But the most important is it's open invitation to those who wish to come here to seek a better life.

Last year we successfully resettled some 25,000 Refugees from the war torn country of Syria. We brought all these desperate people in and have resettled them into our great nation. Many have shown thanks by findings ways to give back to their local communities, showing they understand the true meaning of being Canadian.

South of us stands the United States of America. Where the statue of Liberty now weeps for the poor, the unsafe and those who are persecuted in their home countries. She cries as the new US President Donald Trump has just passed an executive order banning Muslims and many others from countries where there is currently civil strife.

Canada has had a long lasting great relationship with the US, and we hope that can continue, but Prime Minister Trudeau cannot change our Canadian morals just to get a new deal in NAFTA. He must stand up to the new President, (when Trump finally decides he wants to meet his number 1 trading partner) and Trudeau must make it clear we will not stand for such abuse of human rights and freedoms. Remember Trump wants to bring back torture as a way of gathering information. He is going down the road of Russia and China in this regard. But given his love affair for Putin should we be surprised.

The worst part is there is more to come from this new radical regime south of our boarder. We must stand vigilant in our protection of the poor and the persecuted, and express this in no uncertain terms to the now most dangerous man in the world President Trump.

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