Friday, April 08, 2016

All lives matter

So apparently Premier Wynn believes we have a racists province against black people. This after having a discussion with the leader of #Black Lives Matter, whom herself has recently tweeted racists comments against men and white people.

To understand how we got here lets back up to the beginning of these events.

On July 2015, Police were in a two hour stand off with a man holding a gun in an ally way. After hours of trying to deescalate the situation, the man made a threatening gesture with the gun and two officers fired their weapons which killed the suspect.

As always in these cases, the Special Investigations Unit or SIU, took over the case to investigate the shooting of the suspect. It was discovered that the gun was only a pellet gun (hard for responding officers to know) and the individual suffered from mental health issues. With this and all the evidence, the SIU cleared the officers of any wrong doing.

This lead to the group #Black Lives Matter to declare the suspect was shot because of his colour of skin as opposed to the weapon he was brandishing and threatening police with. The group began protesting and set up shop outside Police Headquarters where the protested for several weeks. This then lead to a march to Parliament Hill (Provincial) where a large protest was held.

During this protest Premier Wynn came out to meet with the group and was recorded as saying to them that "yes, there is a systemic problem against black people".

Well the Police Chief (whom is black) was not very happy with this comment, and properly voiced his displeasure with the Premier.

While this was going on, an earlier post from the leader of the #Black Lives Matter movement in Toronto, came to light. In it she states "Plz Allah give me strength not to cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today."Really......Allah, kill white people. Seems we have a radical Muslim racist leading the BLM in Toronto. I would suggest people think twice before following this individual in any cause as hers seems to be full of hate.

All lives matter people. And leave the hatred at home.

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