Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Made in North America

So as the Conservative Party and current Federal Government, gets ready to  hurt our farmers by eliminating the Wheat Board, now they want to reduce our safety standards.

In the name of quicker border crossing for commercial goods, the government is preparing legislation which would reduce Canada's higher food safety standards down to the level of the US. By doing this they claim our food we sell can cross into the US faster and visa versa for US imports. But are we really ready to settle for less safe food?

In a time when we in Canada have even seen Listera outbreaks and other food recalls, the number of people getting sick has never been near the levels they see south of the border. There where the food safety levels are less to help the big corportations, not protect the consumer, about 20% of food sold there would not be for sale here in Canada.

Did you know that in the US they can add vitamins to common cereal and then call it health food. No such lies can currently happen here in Canada, but if Mr. Harper has his way, such things will be able to occur. He will be sitting down soon with the US President and begin discussing a 32 point plant to change the food safey to a lower standard for Canadians.

So as our Prime Ministers continues his quest to make us the 51st state, Canadians will get sick, be mislead by product labels, and our product will proudly boust "Made in North America".

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